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Help For Those In Need

Bedford Homeless Partnership

Bedford Homeless Partnership is a group of charities operating within the borough of Bedford who are focused on both preventing homelessness and supporting those who are homeless to get back on their feet. Visit their Just Giving page to donate to their good work and find out more about their work in Bedford.

Help for those in need

IMPAKT Housing

For young people who find themselves homeless or leaving care

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Help for those in need

Impakt Interiors

Unique home furnishings lovingly made from repurposed materials

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Help for those in need

IMPAKT Pre Loved


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Bedford Winter Night Shelter

This is Bedford. This is our town, and the King’s Arms Project need your help! This winter, the King’s Arms Project are opening our doors up to the most vulnerable in our town for the Bedford Winter Night Shelter. Beginning on 1st December and running till 29th February, 56 Harpur St will a place for the those who need a warm, dry, safe place to go during the coldest months of the year. The King’s Arms Project has supported the homeless community for over 30 years, with a long history of advocating for and uplifting those on the fringes of society.

Following a change in service provision during Covid, there is an increasing number of people who are finding themselves street homeless. The Bedford Winter Night Shelter is a response to this practical need.We are facing the prospect of needing to provide around 20 bedspaces per night with this community currently finding refuge around the town, sleeping in tents, bin stores and doorways. We want to bring them into shelter that is warm, safe and dry.

King’s Arms Project has never been just a bedspace. The aim for this service to be a place of welcome, community and friendship. There will be food, clean and comfortable sleeping arrangements and offer advice and support where needed. But, they cannot do this alone. Your kindness and generosity are needed to provide hope in this season to the most vulnerable and isolated in our town. There is a few ways that you can help with Bedford Winter Night Shelter. In order to make this happen the King’s Arms Projet are asking for volunteers, food provision for dinner and breakfast, and financial donations. For more information, click the link:

Help for those in need

Kings Arms Project

King’s Arms Project is a charity providing advice, solutions and care to those at risk of homelessness, displacement and social isolation.

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