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BedfordBID Ballot

Bedford Business Improvement District (BID) is deeply saddened to announce that with only just over 30% turnout, the 2024 renewal ballot has not been successful. As a result, all current activities and services delivered by BedfordBID will cease on 31st March 2025. 

On behalf of the BedfordBID Board of Directors, volunteer Chair Samantha Laycock, shared her thoughts: “We are devastated by this outcome. Our team has worked tirelessly to support the businesses and community in Bedford town centre, and we believed passionately in our vision for the next five years.

We would also like to thank the supporters of the BID and many other partner organisation for the last twenty years of mutual support and wish Bedford Council the best with their vision for a safe and welcoming Town Centre.”

The BedfordBID Company has an obligation to complete contractual and operational arrangements for the reminder of the term (31st March 2025) and so, subject to adequate resource, we will be continuing with protects and services as planned for the following months. 

Further updates will be provided as we outline the next steps for businesses and the town.

2025 – 2030 BedfordBID Elections

BedfordBID Ballot Information 2024


On 17th October 2024, a ballot will be held proposing the renewal of the Bedford Business Improvement District (BID) for a further five years.

BedfordBID was among the first twelve to pilot a Business Improvement District in 2005. Town centres are evolving.  Given the impact that online shopping, changing customer needs and expectations are having on town centres, stakeholders now recognise BIDs to keep our towns alive. Consequently, there are now over 340 BIDs across the UK.

We are hoping to secure another five years to deliver our renewal Business Plan. BedfordBID is committed to responding to the needs of the town centre businesses. Over the years BedfordBID has proven to be responsive to the needs of town centre businesses in order to tackle immediate issues and will continue to do so. Following a consultation period, we have captured ambitions, ideas and aspirations to move Bedford forward in line with the priorities identified.

Whilst the thrust of our proposals for the next five years is to continue with successful initiatives (as consulted with businesses), the outcome of the BID5 consultation process has determined that businesses would like to see more emphasis on: –

  • Governance i.e. more regular meetings and enhanced engagement.
  • Engagement/visibility with businesses making it clearer the benefit of BedfordBID to businesses.
  • More town centre events.
  • Improve visitor experience of safety and helping to reduce ASB in the town centre.
  • More advertising and promotion.
  • Economic Growth: Attracting sustainable commercial investments and new businesses expressing the need for a variety of shops and entertainment options to make the town more appealing and to fill empty units.

The aim of the BedfordBID renewal 2025-2030 proposal is to continue to make a positive difference to place and to:-

  • Work collaboratively with Bedford Borough Council to help deliver for the town and to attract strong sustainable commercial investment.
  • Work in collaboration with Bedford Borough Council to bring more people into Bedford town centre with providing a welcoming environment and experience where businesses can thrive and people want to be.
  • Create a vibrant destination with events and promotions celebrating what’s good about the town for both day and evening economies.
  • Enhance BedfordBID visibility and communication promotion of the BID’s activities and successes.
  1. Read the business plan and contact BedfordBID on 01234 404500 or drop into the office at Suite 8, Marks Mews, 37 Castle Lane or ask any Board member if you have any questions.
  1. A Notice of Ballot will be sent to you by Bedford Borough Council setting out the BID Levy Arrangements.
  1. The Ballot Papers will arrive by post by 16th September 2024.
  1. Complete the Ballot Papers at your earliest convenience and return in the postage paid envelope provided. ‘YES’ will ensure the BID is retained for a further five years. 
  1. Ballot papers must be received at Bedford Borough Council by 5pm 17th October 2024 for your vote to be counted.  The result will be announced the following day.

There will be a sealed Ballot Box located on Reception at Borough Hall.

Eligible voting rate payers will be able to cast their vote into the ballot box between the hours of 8.30am – 5.00pm Monday – Friday and no later than 5pm on Thursday 17 October 2024.

  1. If the majority of BID members by number and rateable value are in favour, BedfordBID services will continue and the additional commitments set out in the Business Plan will be delivered.  The new term would commence 1st April 2025.

2020 – 2025 BedfordBID Elections

A ballot of local businesses in the town centre has backed the renewal of the Bedford Business Improvement District (BID) for a further five years. 

Business ratepayers in Bedford with a business of the required rateable value to be eligible to vote were issued with a postal ballot to say whether or not they supported the renewal of the BID.

The outcome of the ballot saw a majority of the Business ratepayers in the proposed BID area who voted in the ballot, both by aggregate rateable value and number voting, support the proposal.

The full result which follows was declared on Friday 18th October 2019.

Important Documents

View our May Business Meeting Presentation

2015 – 2020 BedfordBID Elections

On 16th October 2014 the businesses of Bedford town centre said YES to a third term of the BID.

A business plan for BID3 formed part of the ballot paperwork on which people made their choice.

For details of the result visit:

Important Documents

BID 3 Proposals Summary Document

BID 3 Business Plan Proposal

Ballot Process and Levy Arrangements

2010 – 2015 BedfordBID Elections