Standing in the very heart of Bedford, Grade 1 listed St Paul’s Church is one of the landmark buildings of the town. Discover its long and fascinating history at one of the church and tower tours on either Saturday July 20th or Sunday July 21st over the Bedford River Festival weekend.
The main church tour will be led by the head of Bedford Tour Guides who will bring to life the long history and significance of St Paul’s through a series of interesting and witty personal stories and anecdotes. The tours also include a trip up the tower into the ringing chamber to see the bells, with the opportunity to try your hand at ringing.
The full tour will take around 90 minutes with tours running on the Saturday at 11.00am and on the Sunday at 2.00pm, priced at £7.50. Reserving a place in advance is encouraged as group sizes will be limited. Please email the church office at or call 01234 340163 to reserve your place. Payment is on the day. A cafe will also be running inside the church selling light refreshments.
Church and Tower Tours at St Paul’s Church
St. Paul’s Church

Church and Tower Tours at St Paul’s Church
St. Paul’s Church