Celebrate at The Higgins Bedford LGBT+ History Month Festival Day on the 2025 theme Social Activism, with talks, activities and a book launch, featuring local speakers, artists, poets and creatives. Entry is FREE and registration will take place on the day, first come first served.
The programme is below:
11am Registration and Welcome
11.15am Opening Key Note by Max Fisher, RSci
12 noon Break
12.15pm Power in Poetry with Katie O’Pray
1.15pm Lunch
2.15pm Social Activism Panel discussion chaired by Alex Baird, University of Bedfordshire
3.15pm Panel discussion social activism questions and audience q&a, chaired by Alex Baird.
4pm ‘The Prosecutor’ Book launch, featuring the story of Fritz Bauer, a Jewish gay man who sought justice, with author Jack Fairweather.
4.30pm Close
For more information, visit The Higgins Bedford website, or email lydia.saul@bedford.gov.uk