This event is now FULLY BOOKED, we will ask Dr Bike to return again soon.
To celebrate Cycle To Work Day on Thursday 1st August, BedfordBID/Love Bedford have once again employed the services of Dr Bike to offer FREE basic bicycle servicing in Harpur Square at the bike lock-up. Dr Bike will be there from 9am to 3pm.

There are a limited number of 1/2 hr appointments available, booking is essential. Please click book now and choose BedfordBID from the drop-down menu. If BedfordBID has gone from the options, that means all the bookings have been taken.
If you chose to bring you bike to Harpur Square without a booking, there’s no guarantee that Dr Bike will be able service your bike, but he will try.
If your bike requires new parts, Dr Bike will be able to replace them at competitive prices if you agree.
Taking up a new fitness regimen and cycling to work is a great way to feel happier and healthier and saves you money too. Cycle King on Greyfriars is the place to visit for lovely brand new bikes and to take part in the salary sacrifice scheme Cyclescheme.