About The BedfordBID
Since 2005 The BedfordBID has supported the development of the town by introducing, funding and managing various schemes to make Bedford a better place to do business. Our team are responsible for a program of footfall-driving events, seasonal campaigns, crime prevention, cost-saving initiatives, networking events and business training opportunities.
What is The BedfordBID?
A Business Improvement District, or BID, is an arrangement under which you plan how to improve your own trading environment. Businesses identify projects or services that will add value to their business and agree how to manage it and how much they are prepared to pay. The funds collected are ring-fenced and used only to deliver a structured an guaranteed set of activities voted on by the businesses within the BID. The BID and the projects it will carry out do not and cannot replace those services statutorily provided by the public agencies such as the Police and Bedford Borough Council. The BID can only provide projects and services over and above. It lasts for a maximum of five years..

The BID Zone
A Business Improvement District is a defined area in which a levy is charged on all business rate payers in addition to the business rates bill.
BedfordBID is funded by those in the BID boundary zone by paying a levy of 2% of the rateable value of their business. The levy is ringfenced and invested into those projects and services agreed by you as part of the BID renewal process. It is separate from the business rates which pass straight to the Government. Upon the success of the ballot held in October 2019, the threshold was increased to aid smaller businesses. Hereditaments shown in the local Non-Domestic Rating List on the 1st of April each year of the BID with a rateable value of the “specified rateable value” or less will be exempt from the BID levy for that year. The specified rateable value is the higher of £12,000 or the maximum rateable value for that year, at which a ratepayer may be entitled to 100% small business rate relief. Source: BedfordBID Renewal Business Plan 1st April – 31st March 2025 BedfordBID Levy Arrangements.

Meet the Team
Meet the passionate minds behind The BedfordBID and Love Bedford, a team dedicated to showcasing the beauty and vibrancy of Bedford.
When you are part of BedfordBID there are a multitude of benefits to be enjoyed. These include:
- Love Bedford Marketing & Promotions
- BedfordBID Champions ‘Champs’
- Love Bedford Vouchers
- BedfordBID Projects
- BedfordBID Initiatives

BedfordBID is independent from Bedford Borough Council with a Board of volunteer, non-executive Directors elected by those businesses who pay the BID levy, which includes both small and large businesses.
Board Directors are voted for at an AGM by BID Members. If your business is within the BID boundary you are entitled to apply to become a Member. To become a Director, you need to become a Member first.

BedfordBID Elections
A ballot of local businesses in 2020 backed the renewal of the BID for a further five years until March 2025. At the recent ballot in October 2024 businesses voted not to renew the mandate for BedfordBID to run a fifth term.
View all our important documents – from newsletters to accounts, and how to be more involved in the BID.