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Rainbow Bedfordshire art workshop collages
Rainbow Bedfordshire craft block print

What is Rainbow Bedfordshire?

Rainbow Bedfordshire is a community based LGBTQ+ organisation based in Bedfordshire who provide projects and activities for the queer community.

Rainbow Bedfordshire aims to:

  • Set up and maintain social activities to grow the local LGBTQ+ community.
  • Educate partner organisations to raise awareness of the needs of LGBTQ+ people.
  • Improve population health and wellbeing by providing fitness, leisure, and creative opportunities.
  • Make spaces and activities more accessible to enable more LGBTQ+ disabled people to take part in Rainbow Bedfordshire events.

Rainbow Bedfordshire hold regular events at popular venues around Bedford town centre. Visit their website to keep up-to-date with all the wonderful initiatives, social occasions and more.

What to Expect

What's on at Rainbow Bedfordshire

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