The BedfordBID Board
The governance of the BedfordBID is undertaken by the Executive Director, a team of levy/business rates-paying large and small businesses, plus ‘observers’ who volunteer to sit on the BedfordBID Board. Members of the board share their responsibilities while acting in the interest of the BedfordBID Company. Each Member is expected to make recommendations based on his or her experience and vantage point in the community. A credible and professional board, made up of the following Members from national chains and independent businesses with local and industry expertise, including retail marketing and tourism.

Martin Keys
Gallone’s Ice Cream Parlour and Deputy Chair of BedfordBID Board of Directors
Since opening my business in the Edwardian Arcade in Bedford, several years ago I have more recently made the town my home.
More about Martin
“I see, understand and support the passionate drive the BedfordBID team have to make the town a great place to visit.
“I see the role of the Board as being an exciting, challenging and dynamic opportunity to help shape a better, brighter future for Bedford. We need to work together now more than ever.”
Gallone’s Ice Cream Parlour, Edwardian Arcade
Tel 07804 655021

Samantha Laycock
Harpur Centre Manager and Chair of BedfordBID Board of Directors
Born and bred in Bedford, Samantha’s career began in retail before joining the shopping centre management team at the Harpur Centre.
More about Samantha
After graduating in 2010, Samantha became the Centre Manager of the Bedford and Huntingdon shopping centres and held the voluntary position of Director on both BIDs.
Samantha was voted in as the Chair of Love Bedford in 2016 and has continued to hold the position due to her passion, strong relationships and valuable town centre experience. She is a member of Revo (British Council of Shopping Centres) and holds various industry qualifications including IOSH, First Aid, Leadership and Management, World Host accreditation and the Diploma of Shopping Centre Management. Samantha has recently been recognised for various community and business awards for going beyond and extra during unprecedented times.
Harpur Centre, Bedford MK40 1TJ
Tel. 01234 357330
Email. sam.laycock@harpurcentre.co.uk

Tony Moliterno
Tony Moliterno is from a group of business entrepreneurs linked to the name Mayfair in Lurke Street, Bedford.
More about Tony
The expansive office building is home to the company where Tony works: Mayfair Financial & Mortgage Consultants.
Tony was new to the idea of a Business Improvement District when he started work in Bedford, and was most impressed when he found BID team could cut through all the red tape to have graffiti removed from his premises and resolve a car parking permit issue, which affected many.
He decided to step-up and volunteer to become a member of the Board. In doing so, Tony is helpful voice for the office sector in the town centre.
“I’ve been very impressed with how the BID can get things done which otherwise would have left me sitting on the phone for hours. They know who to talk to.
“I am proud to see so many independent businesses in Bedford and want to help them thrive.”
11 Lurke Street Bedford
Tel 01234 214460

Dave Roffey
Bedford College
Bedford College is making its Director of Revenues Dave Roffey available to be part of the Board which governs the BedfordBID.
More about Dave
The town centre college is a major levy-payer within the Business Improvement District and on top of that has ensured more than £600,000 has gone into local tills by buying ONLY Love Bedford vouchers as rewards for staff and students.
In addition, the 1,000s of Bedford College students and staff who pour across the Town Bridge account for a third of money spent in the town Monday- Friday, effectively keeping some of the businesses afloat.
Dave has worked at Bedford College for over 10 years and lives in Shefford.
“Like many people living outside of the town centre I have a choice where to shop at weekends and think it is important that the BID keeps people coming into Bedford. Like most Bedford College staff I have enjoyed receiving Love Bedford vouchers and being able to pop into town to redeem them at a wide range of outlets. I am looking forward to learning more about how the BID supports the town centre.”
Director of Revenues, Bedford College, Cauldwell Street MK42 9AH
Tel. 01234 291000
Email. droffey@bedford.ac.uk

Christina Rowe
BedfordBID – Director
Driven by a passion to be part of a major new impetus needed to recover the town centre’s past position, and in the longer term, grow relative to competitor towns.
More about Christina
An experienced marketer with over 30 years’ experience in working with SME’s, the retail property management and place making sector. Previous Directorships include the Central Milton Keynes Shopping Centre Association, Milton Keynes Theatre and Gallery Company, Chair of DMO Destination:MK and lead tutor & examiner secondment to the University College of Estates Management’s BCSC Diploma in Shopping Centre Management . Successes range from organising the first ever collaborative marketing campaign for Milton Keynes and winner of various national and international marketing and customer service awards. I hope to help build Bedford’s offer as distinctive from its larger competitors so it can assume a complementary position in the retail hierarchy. I also aim to develop as a destination and to help accentuate the paramount importance of the town centre’s role in the region and strengthened to enhance its attractiveness by broadening the role of the town centre beyond shopping towards being a great place for people to spend time – work, visit, stay and live.
BedfordBID, 1 Lurke St, Bedford MK40 3TN
Tel. 01234 404500
Email. christina@bedfordbid.co.uk

Cllr Andrea Spice
Bedford Borough Council’s Appointments Committee Council Representative for the period to June 2025
Portfolio Holder For Economic Growth, Planning and Prosperity (including town centres)
More about Andrea
After successfully becoming a Borough Councillor during the 2023 elections, Cllr Spice was selected as the Portfolio Holder for Town Centres and Planning. She is also the Vice Chair for the Housing Committee and sits on the Licensing Committee, Bedford High Street Heritage Action Zone, Bedford Town Deal Board, General Licensing Committee, General Purposes Committee, Trustees of the Bedford Park Charity and Trustees of the House of Industry Estate Management Committee.
Cllr Andrea Spice
c/o Room 655, Bedford Borough Council, 138 Cauldwell Street, Bedford MK42 9AP
Tel. 01234 267422
Email: andrea.spice@bedford.gov.

Greg Warwick
Jeeves Gentleman’s Hair & Grooming Salon
Not only am I passionate about Bedford as a community and a town, I’m also very passionate about its future.
More about Greg
I’ve run a business on the High Street for over 17 years and know most of the other High Street business owners and understand both the benefits and the difficulties the internet has brought.
I have also seen many changes… and their consequences in Bedford.
As a former Director of Bedford BID who has attended almost every meeting during my Directorship, I have a very good insight into what the BID can achieve. As we are looking to the future and possible changes to the High Street it must be a good thing to have the thoughts and ideas from the very merchants who bring the wealth into the town. I know that I would be an asset to Bedford Town by way of the Bedford BID and will be able to represent the views of the Traders in the High Street and together, we will shape Bedford’s future.
80 High Street, Bedford MK40 1NN
Tel. 01234 215050
Email. greg@fireballrally.co.uk

BedfordBID Board Meetings
BedfordBID Board of Directors meet roughly every six weeks to scruitinise performance, financial updates and ongoing issues. BedfordBID Board meetings begin with a half hour ‘open’ session where all Members and businesses within the BedfordBID area are welcome to bring to the attention of the Directors any issues they would like to raise.
See below for a list of proposed forthcoming meeting dates. Please contact the BedfordBID office on 01234 404500 or info@lovebedford.co.uk if you plan to attend in order that we know numbers.
Forthcoming BedfordBID meetings:
Monday 16th October AGM 5.30- 6.30pm – Harpur Centre management office
The full programme of meeting dates and venues will be published following the AGM