Bedfordshire Archives has reached the accreditation standard to retain its Accredited Archive Service status, recognising its achievements in sustaining good work and coping with the ongoing impacts of the pandemic.
Archive Service Accreditation is the UK standard for, and signals the quality of, archive services. Being accredited means that Bedfordshire Archives meets the UK standard for collections management and access to collections, showing resilience and the ability to manage changing circumstances.
Accreditation helps archives manage and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their service through external validation and the identification of good practice. Being an accredited service also allows Bedfordshire Archives to apply for certain funding streams that would be otherwise inaccessible.
The Archive Service Accreditation is awarded every six years, with a review three years after it is initially awarded. Bedfordshire Archives was originally accredited in 2016 and then successfully reviewed in 2019.
Councillor Doug McMurdo, Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Culture at Bedford Borough Council, said, “The Bedfordshire Archives has a great reputation for being an exceptionally high-quality service and providing support to residents, researchers, writers broadcasters and organisations. This accreditation cements the status of Bedfordshire Archives and the reputation that it has built as being adaptable, forward thinking and for investing in staff and volunteers.”
Have you visited the Bedfordshire Archives? Anyone can make an appointment to visit on-site to the research room where you can see, handle and use the original records and where trained staff will help you to find what you want and give advice on your research.
To find out more go online to the Bedfordshire Archives website: